State of Wisconsin

Issuer Overview
State of Wisconsin

Issuer Type: State / Province


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Issuer Overview
State of Wisconsin

Issuer Type: State / Province


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Welcome to Our Investor Relations Site

On behalf of the State of Wisconsin, I would like to welcome you to our investor relations website. We appreciate your interest and investment in bonds issued by Wisconsin, as it allows the state to fund various public purpose initiatives and to make critical investments in public infrastructure throughout the State. We are committed to good disclosure practices, and ask that you contact us at any time with any concerns on, or suggestions for, disclosure and information from the State of Wisconsin.

As the State of Wisconsin addresses old or new impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, receipt of federal stimulus funds, and implementation of the State's 2023-25 biennial budget, we will make available on this website filings and other information that the State is providing to the market. 

I hope you find this website useful as you seek to better understand the fundamentals of the various credits issued by the State of Wisconsin. Please do not hesitate to contact our office with questions about our credits and borrowing programs.

Thanks again for your interest in the State of Wisconsin and our credits and bond programs.  On Wisconsin!

Aaron Heintz, Capital Finance Director